Testing Data Suppression.
This is a header element that should be suppressed in Recordings.
This is a paragraph element that should be suppressed in Recordings.
This line should be unsuppressed and display all the numbers as well: A123456789
This line should be unsuppressed and display all the numbers as well: A123B123C123
This line should be unsuppressed and display all the numbers as well: 123456
This is a strong element that should be suppressed in Recordings.
This is a span element that should be suppressed in Recordings.
This element has special characters like á and ç and ∑.
This element has special characters like á and ç and ∑.
This element has special characters like á and ç and ∑.
This element has special characters like á and ç and ∑.
Short paragraph
Short strong
Short span